As if you needed another reason to love VANITY SLABS, we’re gonna lay out how wicked they truly are.

  1. You can preview your custom design right on our website, WITH your card! That means before ordering, you get to see exactly how your capsule and card will match. Before the slabs are ever in your hand, you’ll know exactly what to expect.
  2. VSI’s Online Label Designer — You can choose from our massive selection of professionally designed backgrounds, templates, icons, and logos.
  3. The Ultimate In PROTECTION—Our VSI capsules are proprietary, patent pending, and are THE BEST way to protect your investment. We offer gorgeous designs, and peace of mind.
  4. With EACH ORDER, you’ll receive a FREE random valuable trading card. That means that the anticipation you felt when opening a pack of trading cards is BACK!
  5. Have slabs that are in need of a facelift? You can design customized PVC labels that fit your slabs perfectly!
  6. There’s no feeling like finally completing a set. Celebrate the occasion by ordering a matching set of Vanity Slabs, then showing off your collection.
We also help you design and create storage cases for your Vanity Slabs!